Welcome to the SPARK Experience

A Leadership Development Program

Get the Book

Leadership Development Starts with the Right Resources

There’s nothing like a good business book to inspire new ideas and ways of working. 

The challenge with most books, though, is that they give you ideas but stop short of providing you the resources that will help support you as you translate your ideas into action.

SPARK: How to Lead Yourself and Others to Greater Success is different. It’s more than a book – it’s a leadership development program. We created an online learning hub to ensure that as you read you have tools and learning aids to help you with your leadership development.

Develop Your Skills with a Hybrid Approach

We know that reading, alone, doesn’t spark lasting, sustainable change.  Real development requires reading and learning, but also reflection and experimentation.  It’s just like swimming in the sense that you can’t read a book and know how to swim.  You have to jump in the pool and build your technique.

The techniques we cover in both the book and the SPARK Experience provide you a custom leadership development program.  It’s cheaper than attending a conference …plus, you don’t have to spend time away from either your home or your desk to learn skills that will allow you to see yourself (and be seen as) a leader.  What’s more, you can choose your own adventure as you explore the range of concepts presented.

Using the Leadership Development Tools

In the book SPARK, we define a leader as someone who influences outcomes and inspires others.

Anyone – in any role and at any level – can be a leader with the right commitment and focus.

While SPARK focuses on seven leadership principles anyone can develop, the SPARK Experience shares content designed to drill down into actions that support developing these respective leadership behaviors.

Leadership Development Videos

With the SPARK Experience, we’ve created a host of videos so you can learn more about the topics covered in the book.  Explore some examples below or browse the complete video library.

Angie spends time sharing what credibility is and why it’s so important

Courtney discusses accountability and rethinking how you express it in your life in order to inspire greater responsibility and positive change

Angie, Sean, and Courtney all share insights into who their favorite leaders are and why

These behind-the-scenes insights help bring a new dynamic and awareness into the seven SPARK behaviors we write about.  Also, we share stories that weren’t covered in the book, which serves as bonus content.

Leadership Development Handouts

The process of writing can be clarifying, which is why there are plenty of exercises to choose from. Through the process of self-reflection, you’re able to articulate specific actions you can take that will allow you to develop into the leader you aspire to be.

Each chapter has a handout related to the leadership development content that supports building that respective skill. As examples, there are handouts to…

Help you better understand what you value and how to make these values more active in your life

Support you in building your credibility with key stakeholders so you have more influence among key people in your world

Assist you in developing goals and creating a 100-Day Plan that allows you to be focused on achieving them

To access the handouts, all you have to do is click here and find the content that you’d like to explore further. None of the content is gated, so once you click download you’ll have the leadership development resources readily available.

A Leadership Development Program for the Whole Team

Finally, the SPARK Experience is designed for individuals to encourage others to learn how to build their leadership skills, too. For the motivated SPARK, they can share the SPARK Experience resources in a variety of ways.

Download a PowerPoint Deck

Present a SPARK discussion during a lunch-and-learn. Decks come with facilitator notes, taking the stress out of coordinating a presentation.

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Start a Book Club

Try this at work with several colleagues or within an affinity group event. The book club starter kit comes with sample discussion questions to help you create a robust dialogue on leadership.

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Print Posters

Print posters for your work area and break room so that the SPARK principles are consistent reminders of the leadership traits that are important among your crew.

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Many businesses and organizations have used SPARK and the SPARK Experience as part of their leadership development program.

This is not only an affordable way to build leaders, but it helps create a shared learning experience that promotes a common understanding and learning around the skills and qualities leaders possess.

Build Lasting Change with a Leadership Development Program that Works

The easiest way to begin your leadership development journey is by picking up the book.  Simple enough, right?

Lasting change is built incrementally, so start with a goal of focusing on one chapter a week.  As you explore that chapter, visit the SPARK Experience and review the content that corresponds with what you’re reading.  This will allow you to focus your time on intentionally building awareness on a respective leadership skill and building the behaviors that support its development.  

Once you’re done with your personal SPARK Experience, imagine who you’d like to share the book and resources with – your family?  Volunteer group?  Work team?  After all, this is your chance to be a SPARK … you have the power to build up the skills of others.  What a great responsibility and opportunity, right?

The more we commit to our leadership development and influence the leadership development of others, the better our world will be. Take the first step today by focusing on yourself, and before you know it, you’ll be that bright SPARK for others.