Success Stories
Read about and see impactful and creative SPARK Experiences.

Success Stories
When you launch the SPARK Experience throughout your organization, you’ll join tens of thousands of professionals who have leveraged SPARK to empower their teams to demonstrate stronger leadership at all levels.
Here are a few examples of the creative ways you can bring SPARK to your company or organization.

Norfolk Southern Created a High Potential Event
After a senior leader at Norfolk Southern read SPARK and recommended it to the HR team to share with employees, the HR team took the initiative to go a step further. They created a series of conferences for high-potential team members titled “SPARK Your Confidence” using key learning from SPARK as the program’s content and invited author Courtney Lynch as a keynote. Each participant received a copy of SPARK as well as additional learning resources.

GlaxoSmithKline Connected Global Teams
A key division within GlaxoSmithKline wanted to bring their global teams together to focus on leadership during a virtual conference. They coordinated an all-hands meeting, where Lead Star was invited to participate in a discussion about SPARK and how to use it in a book club program. Following the meeting, participants received copies of SPARK to launch their clubs; throughout their experience, they shared their thoughts and ideas on how they could lead “from where they are at” and add value to the business by applying their learning.

Dominion Energy Supported Young Professionals
Dominion Energy created their own, unique SPARK Experience by sponsoring a Summer Reading Club, which was open to all employees (but focused on their Young Professionals Resource Group). They encouraged team members to read SPARK together in groups, and throughout their learning journey took photos of how they “SPARKed.” Afterwards, Dominion Energy created a special congratulatory event, shared awards on the most creative photo contest entries, and offered a forum where employees could share their lessons learned.

Ziegenfelder Developed Leaders at All Levels
Ziegenfelder, one of the largest popsicle manufacturers in the world, recognizes that having leaders at every level in their organization is key to their success. Their CEO and COO launched their SPARK Experience to help promote leadership discussions with their direct reports and encouraged this group to do the same with their employees. What ensued was a cascading dialogue throughout the organization where leadership discussions dominated the organization’s walls, and SPARK’s seven key behaviors became part of everyday chatter.

Wells Fargo Championed Employee Resource Groups
Wells Fargo’s Women’s Initiative Group understands that they can add value to their business by developing their leadership skills. They launched their SPARK Experience by providing copies of SPARK to group members and identifying individuals who would lead SPARK Book Clubs in the company. Throughout the process, SPARK was a catalyst for identifying and promoting individuals who stepped up to share their thoughts and ideas around leadership development.
SPARK Authors
The Value of SPARK
Many well-respected leaders have stepped up to support SPARK. The authors discuss their passion for sharing leadership lessons with the world.